RSGISLib Google Cloud Tools, bucket_name, filename)

A function to test whether a file .

  • file_to_upload – The local file to be uploaded.

  • goog_cred – The JSON credentials file from Google.

  • bucket_name – The google bucket name.

  • filename – The file path within the bucket for the file. Note this should not start with a slash. i.e., directory/path rather than /directory/path.


boolean (True if the file exists / False if the file does not exist), bucket_name, bucket_dir)

A function to list the contents of a directory within a bucket.

  • goog_cred – The JSON credentials file from Google.

  • bucket_name – The google bucket name.

  • bucket_dir – The directory path within the bucket to be listed. Note this should not start with a slash. i.e., directory/path rather than /directory/path.


returns a list of file paths., goog_cred, bucket_name, bucket_dir)

A function to upload a file to a google cloud bucket. Once the file is uploaded the presence of the file is checked. If the file is not present then an exception is raised.

  • file_to_upload – The local file to be uploaded.

  • goog_cred – The JSON credentials file from Google.

  • bucket_name – The google bucket name.

  • bucket_dir – The directory path within the bucket for the file to be saved. Note this should not start with a slash. i.e., directory/path rather than /directory/path.