RSGISLib Image Utilities Module¶
The imageutils module contains general utilities for applying to images.
(fileName=None, name=None, bands=None)¶ Create a list of these objects to pass to the extractZoneImageBandValues2HDF function
- Parameters
fileName – is the input image file name and path.
name – is a name associated with this layer - doesn’t really matter what you use but needs to be unique; this is used as a dict key in some functions.
bands – is a list of image bands within the fileName to be used for processing (band numbers start at 1).
fileName – is the input image file name and path.
name – is a name associated with this layer - doesn’t really matter what you use but needs to be unique; this is used as a dict key in some functions.
bands – is a list of image bands within the fileName to be used for processing (band numbers start at 1).
(year=1900, day=0, compImg=None, imgRef=None, outRef=False)¶ Create a list of these objects to pass to the fillTimeSeriesGaps function
- Parameters
year – year the composite represents.
day – the (nominal) day within the year the composite represents (a value of zero and day will not be used)
compImg – The input compsite image which has been generated.
imgRef – The reference layer (e.g., from createMaxNDVIComposite or createMaxNDVINDWICompositeLandsat) with zero for no data regions
outRef – A boolean variable specify which layer a fill reference layer is to be produced.
year – year the composite represents.
day – the (nominal) day within the year the composite represents (a value of zero and day will not be used)
compImg – The input compsite image which has been generated.
imgRef – The reference layer (e.g., from createMaxNDVIComposite or createMaxNDVINDWICompositeLandsat) with zero for no data regions
outRef – A boolean variable specify which layer a fill reference layer is to be produced.
(band=None, status=None, name=None)¶ Create a list of these objects to pass to the sharpenLowResBands function.
- Parameters
band – is the band number (band numbering starts at 1).
status – needs to be either rsgislib.SHARP_RES_IGNORE, rsgislib.SHARP_RES_LOW or rsgislib.SHARP_RES_HIGH lowres bands will be sharpened using the highres bands and ignored bands will just be copied into the output image.
name – is a name associated with this image band - doesn’t really matter what you put in here.
band – is the band number (band numbering starts at 1).
status – needs to be either ‘ignore’, ‘lowres’ or ‘highres’ - lowres bands will be sharpened using the highres bands and ignored bands will just be copied into the output image.
name – is a name associated with this image band - doesn’t really matter what you put in here.
Image Stats and Pyramids¶
(image, usenodataval=True, nodataval=0, calcpyramids=True, pyscales=list)¶ Calculate the image statistics and build image pyramids populating the image file.
- Parameters
image – is a string containing the name of the input file
usenodataval – is a boolean stating whether the no data value is to be used (default=True).
nodataval – is a floating point value to be used as the no data value (default=0.0).
calcpyramids – is a boolean stating whether image pyramids should be calculated (default=True).
pyscales – is a list which allows the levels of the image pyramid to be specified. If not provided then levels automatically calculated.
from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' imageutils.popImageStats(inputImage,True,0.,True) # OR Define the pyramids levels. imageutils.popImageStats(inputImage,True,0.,True, [4,8,16,32,64,128])
(base=string, images=list, pyscales=list)¶ A function to combine (mosaic) the image overviews (pyramids) from the list of input images and add them to the base image, enables pyramids to be created using a tiled processing chain for large images. Note. For small images use rsgislib.imageutils.popImageStats.
- Parameters
base – is a string containing the name of the input image file the overviews will be added to
images – is a list of input images that have the same number of bands and overviews and are within the extent of the base image.
pyscales – is a list specifying the scales (levels) of the pyramids which will be defined in the base image (Note. the input images need to have the same pyramids scales; use rsgislib.imageutils.popImageStats).
from rsgislib import imageutils baseImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' imgTiles = ['./TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_tile1.kea', './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_tile2.kea'] imageutils.combineImageOverviews(baseImage, imgTiles, [4,8,16,32,64,128])
(inputImage, wktString, wktFile)¶ Assign a projection to the input GDAL image file.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name of the input file
wktString – is the wkt string to be assigned to the image. If None then it will be read from the wktStringFile.
wktFile – is a file path to a text file containing the WKT string to be assigned. This is ignored if wktString is not None.
from rsgislib import imageutils wktString = '''PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 55S", GEOGCS["WGS 84", DATUM["WGS_1984", SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]], PRIMEM["Greenwich",0], UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433], AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]], PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"], PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0], PARAMETER["central_meridian",147], PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996], PARAMETER["false_easting",500000], PARAMETER["false_northing",10000000], UNIT["metre",1, AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], AUTHORITY["EPSG","32755"]]''' inputImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' imageutils.assignProj(inputImage, wktString)
(inputImage, tlX, tlY, resX, resY, rotX, rotY)¶ Assign the spatial information to an input GDAL image file.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name and path of the input file
tlX – is a double representing the top left X coordinate of the image.
tlY – is a double representing the top left Y coordinate of the image.
resX – is a double representing X resolution of the image.
resY – is a double representing Y resolution of the image.
rotX – is a double representing X rotation of the image.
rotY – is a double representing Y rotation of the image.
(inputImage, refImage)¶ Copy the projection from a reference image to an input GDAL image file.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name and path of the input file
refImage – is a string containing the name and path of the reference image.
(inputImage, refImage)¶ Copy the spatial information and projection from a reference image to an input GDAL image file.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name and path of the input file
refImage – is a string containing the name and path of the reference image.
(inRefImg, inProcessImg, outImg, gdalformat, interpMethod, datatype=None, noDataVal=None, multicore=False)¶ A utility function to resample an existing image to the projection and/or pixel size of another image.
- Parameters
inRefImg – is the input reference image to which the processing image is to resampled to.
inProcessImg – is the image which is to be resampled.
outImg – is the output image file.
gdalformat – is the gdal format for the output image.
interpMethod – is the interpolation method used to resample the image [bilinear, lanczos, cubicspline, nearestneighbour, cubic, average, mode]
datatype – is the rsgislib datatype of the output image (if none then it will be the same as the input file).
multicore – use multiple processing cores (Default = False)
(inputImage, outputImage, outWKT, gdalformat='KEA', interp='cubic', inWKT=None, noData=0.0, outPxlRes='image', snap2Grid=True, multicore=False, gdal_options=[])¶ This function provides a tool which uses the gdalwarp function to reproject an input image. When you want an simpler interface use the rsgislib.imageutils.gdal_warp function. This handles more automatically.
- Parameters
inputImage – the input image name and path
outputImage – the output image name and path
outWKT – a WKT file representing the output projection
gdalformat – the output image file format (Default is KEA)
interp – interpolation algorithm. Options are: near, bilinear, cubic, cubicspline, lanczos, average, mode. (Default is cubic)
inWKT – if input image is not well defined this is the input image projection as a WKT file (Default is None, i.e., ignored)
noData – float representing the not data value (Default is 0.0)
outPxlRes – three inputs can be provided. 1) ‘image’ where the output resolution will match the input (Default is image). 2) ‘auto’ where an output resolution maintaining the image size of the input image will be used. You may consider using rsgislib.imageutils.gdal_warp instead of this option. 3) provide a floating point value for the image resolution (note. pixels will be sqaure)
snap2Grid – is a boolean specifying whether the TL pixel should be snapped to a multiple of the pixel resolution (Default is True).
nCores – the number of processing cores available for processing (-1 is all cores: Default=-1)
gdal_options – GDAL file creation options e.g., [“TILED=YES”, “COMPRESS=LZW”, “BIGTIFF=YES”]
(inImg)¶ A function which returns the WKT string representing the projection of the input image.
- Parameters
inImg – input image from which WKT string will be read.
(inputimagelist, outputimage, backgroundVal, skipVal, skipBand, overlapBehaviour, gdalformat, datatype)¶ Create mosaic from list of input images.
- Parameters
inputimagelist – is a list of input images.
outputimage – is a string containing the name of the output mosaic
backgroundVal – is a float providing the background (nodata) value for the mosaic
skipVal – is a float providing the value to be skipped (nodata values) in the input images
skipBand – is an integer providing the band to check for skipVal
overlapBehaviour – is an integer specifying the behaviour for overlaping regions * 0 - Overwrite * 1 - Overwrite if value of new pixel is lower (minimum) * 2 - Overwrite if value of new pixel is higher (maximum)
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils import glob # Search for all files with the extension 'kea' inputList = glob.glob('./TestOutputs/Tiles/*.kea') outImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_mosaic.kea' backgroundVal = 0. skipVal = 0. skipBand = 1 overlapBehaviour = 0 gdalformat = 'KEA' datatype = rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT imageutils.createImageMosaic(inputList, outImage, backgroundVal, skipVal, skipBand, overlapBehaviour, gdalformat, datatype)
(baseImage, inputImages, inputBands=None, skipVal=None)¶ Create mosaic from list of input images.
- Parameters
baseImage – is a string containing the name of the input image to add image to
inputimagelist – is a list of input images
inputBands – is a subset of input bands to use (optional)
skipVal – is a float specifying a value which should be ignored and not copied into the new image (optional). To use you must also provided a list of subset image bands.
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils import glob # Search for all files with the extension 'kea' baseImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_mosaic.kea' inputList = glob.glob('./TestOutputs/Tiles/*.kea') imageutils.includeImages(baseImage, inputList)
(baseImage, inputImages, pxlOverlap)¶ Create mosaic from list of input images where the input images have an overlap.
- Parameters
baseImage – is a string containing the name of the input image to add image to
inputimagelist – is a list of input images
inputBands – is a subset of input bands to use (optional)
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils import glob inputImg = 'LandsatImg.kea' tilesImgBase = './tiles/LandsatTile' outputImg = 'LandsatImgProcessed.kea' imageutils.createTiles(inputImg, tilesImgBase, 1000, 1000, 10, False, 'KEA', rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT, 'kea') # Do some processing on the tiles... imageutils.createCopyImage(inputImg, outputImg, 6, 0, 'KEA', rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT) inputList = glob.glob('./tiles/LandsatTile*.kea') imageutils.includeImagesWithOverlap(outputImg, inputList, 10)
(baseImage, inputImages)¶ Create mosaic from list of input images written to the base image. The no data value will be honered and values over written.
- Parameters
baseImage – is a string containing the name of the input image to add image to
inputimagelist – is a list of input images
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils import glob # Search for all files with the extension 'kea' baseImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_mosaic.kea' inputList = glob.glob('./TestOutputs/Tiles/*.kea') imageutils.includeImagesIndImgIntersect(baseImage, inputList)
(inimages=list, outimage=string, gdalformat=string, datatype=int, nodata=float)¶ Combine images together into a single image band by excluding the no data value.
- Parameters
inimages – is a list of strings containing the names and paths of the input image files
outimage – is a string containing the name of the output file.
gdalformat – is a string with the GDAL output file format.
datatype – is an containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*
nodata – is the no data value which will be ignored (Default is 0)
from rsgislib import imageutils inputImages = ['./forest.kea', './urban.kea', './water.kea'] outputImage = './classes.kea' datatype = rsgislib.TYPE_8UINT format = 'KEA' imageutils.combineImages2Band(inputImages, outputImage, format, datatype, 0.0)
(inImgsPattern, rBand, nBand, outRefImg, outCompImg, tmpPath='./tmp', gdalformat='KEA', dataType=None, calcStats=True)¶ Create an image composite from multiple input images where the pixel brought through into the composite is the one with the maximum NDVI.
- Parameters
inImgsPattern – is a pattern (ready for glob.glob(inImgsPattern)) so needs an ‘*’ within the pattern to find the input image files.
rBand – is the image band within the input images (same for all) for the red band - note band indexing starts at 1.
nBand – is the image band within the input images (same for all) for the nir band - note band indexing starts at 1.
outRefImg – is the output reference image which details which input image is forming the output image pixel value (Note. this file will always be a KEA file as RAT is used).
outCompImg – is the output composite image for which gdalformat and dataType define the format and data type.
tmpPath – is a temp path for intemediate files, if this path doesn’t exist is will be created and deleted at runtime.
gdalformat – is the output file format of the outCompImg, any GDAL compatable format is OK (Defaut is KEA).
dataType – is the data type of the output image (outCompImg). If None is provided then the data type of the first input image will be used (Default None).
calcStats – calculate image statics and pyramids (Default=True)
(refImg, inImages, rBand, nBand, sBand, outRefImg, outCompImg, outMskImg, tmpPath='./tmp', gdalformat='KEA', dataType=None, calcStats=True, reprojmethod='cubic', use_mode=True)¶ Create an image composite from multiple input images where the pixel brought through into the composite is the one with the maximum NDVI over land and NDWI over water. A mask of land and water regions is also produced. The reference image is used to define the spatial extent of the output images and spatial projection.
- Parameters
refImg – is a reference image with any number of bands and data type which is used to define the output image extent and projection.
inImages – a list of all the input images being used to build the composite.
rBand – is an integer specifying the red band in the input images (starts at 1), used in the NDVI index.
nBand – is an integer specifying the NIR band in the input images (starts at 1), used in the NDVI and NDWI index.
sBand – is an integer specifying the SWIR band in the input images (starts at 1), used in the NDVI and NDWI index.
outRefImg – is the output reference image which details which input image is forming the output image pixel value (Note. this file will always be a KEA file as RAT is used).
outCompImg – is the output composite image for which gdalformat and dataType define the format and data type.
outMskImg – is the output mask image for regions of water and land where ndvi vs ndwi are used (0=nodata, 1=land, 2=water)
tmpPath – is a temp path for intemediate files, if this path doesn’t exist is will be created and deleted at runtime.
gdalformat – is the output file format of the outCompImg, any GDAL compatable format is OK (Defaut is KEA).
dataType – is the data type of the output image (outCompImg). If None is provided then the data type of the first input image will be used (Default None).
calcStats – calculate image statics and pyramids (Default=True)
reprojmethod – specifies the interpolation method used to reproject the input images which are in a different projection and/or pixel size as the reference image (default: cubic).
use_mode – True: the land/water masks are combined using the mode and False: the land water masks are combined using median.
(inImgsPattern, outRefImg, outCompImg, outMskImg, tmpPath='./tmp', gdalformat='KEA', dataType=None, calcStats=True, use_mode=True)¶ Create an image composite from multiple input images where the pixel brought through into the composite is the one with the maximum NDVI over land and NDWI over water. A mask of land and water regions is also produced. Landsat 8 images are identified as image file names are expected to start ‘LS8’. If composite includes a mix of LS8 and LS7 images then the LS8 images are submitted to match the images bands of LS7 (i.e., coastal band removed).
- Parameters
inImgsPattern – is a pattern (ready for glob.glob(inImgsPattern)) so needs an ‘*’ within the pattern to find the input image files.
outRefImg – is the output reference image which details which input image is forming the output image pixel value (Note. this file will always be a KEA file as RAT is used).
outCompImg – is the output composite image for which gdalformat and dataType define the format and data type.
outMskImg – is the output mask image for regions of water and land where ndvi vs ndwi are used (0=nodata, 1=land, 2=water)
tmpPath – is a temp path for intemediate files, if this path doesn’t exist is will be created and deleted at runtime.
gdalformat – is the output file format of the outCompImg, any GDAL compatable format is OK (Defaut is KEA).
dataType – is the data type of the output image (outCompImg). If None is provided then the data type of the first input image will be used (Default None).
calcStats – calculate image statics and pyramids (Default=True)
use_mode – True: the land/water masks are combined using the mode and False: the land water masks are combined using median.
(in_imgs, outdir)¶ A function which checks for Landsat 8 (LS8) images in the input list and creates a band subset (i.e., removes the coastal (1) band). This function should be used ahead of createMaxNDVINDWIComposite when combining LS8 with earlier landsat (i.e., LS5 and LS7) data. Note, files who’s file name contain ‘LS8’ are considered to be Landsat 8 images.
- Parameters
in_imgs – input list of image file paths.
outdir – output directory for the VRT images (Note. an absolute path to the input image is used when building the VRT.)
(compInfo=list, validMask=string, outRefFillImg=string, outCompImg=string, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)¶ A function which aids the creation of timeseries composites. This function uses reference images to identify which pixels should be used to in-fill composite gaps.
- Parameters
compInfo – is a list of rsgislib.imageutils.RSGISTimeseriesFillInfo objects
validMask – is a string with the name and path to an image specifying the valid area within which the compsites are being generated.
outRefFillImg –
outCompImg –
outCompRefImg –
gdalformat – is a string with the GDAL outCompImg file format.
datatype – is an integer containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*, used for outCompImg
(inimages=list, outimage=string, refimg=string, gdalformat=string, datatype=int, outnodata=float)¶ A function which creates a composite image where the pixel values going into the output image by the reference image. The reference image can be created using the rsgislib.imagecalc.getImgIdxForStat function.
- Parameters
inimages – is a list of input images, each image must have the same number of bands in the same order.
outputImage – is a string with the name and path of the output image.
refimg – is an image which specifies index of the image in inimages for which output pixel will be derived. Indexes start at 1, where 0 is no data.
gdalformat – is a string with the GDAL output file format.
datatype – is an integer containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*
outnodata – is the value which will be given to no data pixels in the output image.
import rsgislib import rsgislib.imagecalc import rsgislib.imageutils import rsgislib.rastergis import glob import os.path # Get List of input images: inImages = glob.glob('./Outputs/*stdsref.kea') # Generate Comp Ref layers: refLyrsLst = [] refLayerPath = './CompRefLyrs/' idx = 1 for img in inImages: print('In Image ('+str(idx) + '): ' + img) baseImgName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(img))[0] refLyrImg = os.path.join(refLayerPath, baseImgName+'_ndvi.kea') rsgislib.imagecalc.calcNDVI(img, 3, 4, refLyrImg) refLyrsLst.append(refLyrImg) idx = idx + 1 # Create REF Image pxlRefImg = 'LS5TM_19851990CompRefImg_lat7lon3896_r65p166_vmsk_mclds_topshad_rad_srefdem_stdsref.kea' rsgislib.imagecalc.getImgIdxForStat(refLyrsLst, pxlRefImg, 'KEA', -999, rsgislib.SUMTYPE_MAX) # Pop Ref Image with stats rsgislib.rastergis.populateStats(pxlRefImg, True, True, True) # Create Composite Image outCompImg = 'LS5TM_19851990CompRefImgMAX_lat7lon3896_r65p166_vmsk_mclds_topshad_rad_srefdem_stdsref.kea' rsgislib.imageutils.createRefImgCompositeImg(inImages, outCompImg, pxlRefImg, 'KEA', rsgislib.TYPE_16UINT, 0.0) # Calc Stats rsgislib.imageutils.popImageStats(outCompImg, usenodataval=True, nodataval=0, calcpyramids=True)
(msk_imgs_dict, out_img, output_lut, gdalformat='KEA')¶ A function which combines up to 8 binary image masks to create a single output image with a unique value for each combination of intersecting masks. A JSON LUT is also generated to identify the image values to a ‘class’.
- Parameters
msk_imgs_dict – dict of input images.
out_img – output image file.
output_lut – output file path to JSON LUT file identifying the image values.
gdalformat – output GDAL format (e.g., KEA)
(inputImg=string, inputBandRefImg=string, outputImg=string, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)¶ A function which exports a single image band where the reference image specifies from which image band the output pixel is extracted from.
- Parameters
inputImg – is a string for the full (multi-band) image.
inputBandRefImg – is a string with the reference image specifying the band to be outputted for each pixel.
outputImg – is a string for the single band output image.
gdalformat – is a string with the GDAL outCompImg file format.
datatype – is an integer containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*, used for outCompImg
(inputimage, baseimage, width, height, overlap, offsettiling, gdalformat, datatype, ext)¶ Create tiles from a larger image, useful for splitting a large image into multiple smaller ones for processing.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name of the input file
baseimage – is a string containing the base name of the output file the number of the tile and file extension will be appended.
width – is the width of each tile, in pixels.
height – is the height of each tile, in pixels.
overlap – is the overlap between tiles, in pixels
offsettiling – is a bool, determining if tiles should start halfway into the image useful for generating overlapping sets of tiles.
gdalformat – is a string providing the output gdalformat of the tiles (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the output data type of the tiles.
ext – is a string providing the extension for the tiles (as required by the specified data type).
- Returns
list of tile file names
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = './Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' outBase = './TestOutputs/Tiles/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm' width = 100 height = width overlap = 5 offsettiling = False gdalformat = 'KEA' datatype = rsgislib.TYPE_32INT ext='kea' tiles = imageutils.createTiles(inputImage, outBase, width, height, overlap, offsettiling, gdalformat, datatype, ext)
(inputimage, baseimage, width, height, gdalformat, datatype, ext, ncores=1)¶ Function to generate a set of tiles for the input image.
- Parameters
inputimage – input image to be subset.
baseimage – output image files base path.
width – width in pixels of the tiles.
height – height in pixels of the tiles.
gdalformat – output image file format
datatype – datatype is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
ext – output file extension to be added to the baseimage path (e.g., kea)
ncores – number of cores to be used; uses python multiprocessing module.
(inputImage, outshp, outclumpsFile, width, height, validDataThreshold, maskIntersect=None, offset=False, force=True, tmpdir='tilestemp', inImgNoDataVal=0.0)¶ A function to create a tiling for an input image where each tile has a minimum amount of valid data.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string for the image to be tiled
outshp – is a string for the output shapefile the tiling will be written to (if None a shapefile won’t be outputted).
outclumpsFile – is a string for the output image file containing the tiling
width – is an int for the width of the tiles
height – is an int for the height of the tiles
validDataThreshold – is a float (0-1) with the proportion of valid data needed within a tile.
force – is a boolean (default True) to delete the output shapefile if it already exists.
tmpdir – is a string with a temporary directory for temp outputs to be stored (they will be deleted). if tmpdir doesn’t exist it will be created and then deleted during the processing.
inImgNoDataVal – is a float for providing the input image no data value (Default: 0.0)
(inputImage, tileShp, tilesNameBase, tilesMaskDIR, tmpdir='tilestemp', imgFormat='KEA')¶ A function to create individual image masks from the tiles shapefile which can be individually used to mask (using rsgislib mask function) each tile from the inputimage.
- Parameters
inputImage – is the input image being tiled.
tileShp – is a shapefile containing the shapefile tiles.
tilesNameBase – is the base file name for the tile masks
tilesMaskDIR – is the directory where the output images will be outputted
tmpdir – is a string with a temporary directory for temp outputs to be stored (they will be deleted) If tmpdir doesn’t exist it will be created and then deleted during the processing.
(clumpsImage, tilesNameBase, tilesMaskDIR, gdalformat='KEA')¶ A function to create individual image masks from the tiles shapefile which can be individually used to mask (using rsgislib mask function) each tile from the inputimage.
- Parameters
clumpsImage – is an image file with RAT where each clump represented a tile region.
tilesNameBase – is the base file name for the tile masks
tilesMaskDIR – is the directory where the output images will be outputted
gdalformat – is the output image file format of the tile masks
(inputImage, tilesBase, tilesMetaDIR, tilesImgDIR, datatype, gdalformat)¶ A function to apply the image tile masks defined in createTileMaskImages to the input image to extract the individual tiles.
- Parameters
inputImage – is the input image being tiled.
tileMasksBase – is the base path for the tile masks. glob will be used to find them with *.kea added to the end.
outTilesBase – is the base file name for the tiles.
Visualisation / Normalisation¶
(inputimage, outputimage, saveoutstats, outstatsfile, ignorezeros, onepasssd, gdalformat, datatype, stretchtype, stretchparam)¶ Stretches (scales) pixel values to a range of 0 - 255, which is typically for visualisation but the function can also be used for normalisation.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name of the input file
outputImage – is a string containing the name of the output file
saveoutstats – is a bool specifying if stats should be saved to a text file.
outstatsfile – is a string providing the name of the file to save stats to.
ignorezeros – is a bool specifying if pixels with a value of zero should be ignored.
onepasssd – is a bool specifying if is single pass should be used for calculating standard deviation (faster but less accurate)
gdalformat – is a string providing the output gdalformat of the tiles (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the output data type.
stretchtype – is a STRETCH_* value providing the type of stretch, options are: * imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARMINMAX - Stretches between min and max. * imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARPERCENT - Stretches between percentage of image range. Parameter defines percent. * imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARSTDDEV - Stretches between mean - sd to mean + sd. Parameter defines number of standard deviations. * imageutils.STRETCH_EXPONENTIAL - Exponential stretch between mean - 2*sd to mean + 2*sd. No parameter. * imageutils.STRETCH_LOGARITHMIC - Logarithmic stretch between mean - 2*sd to mean + 2*sd. No parameter. * imageutils.STRETCH_POWERLAW - Power law stretch between mean - 2*sd to mean + 2*sd. Parameter defines power.
stretchparam – is a float, providing the input parameter to the stretch (if required).
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = './Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' outputImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_2sd.kea' gdalformat = 'KEA' datatype = rsgislib.TYPE_8INT imageutils.stretchImage(inputImage, outputImage, False, '', True, False, gdalformat, datatype, imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARSTDDEV, 2)
(inputimage, outputimage, instatsfile, gdalformat, datatype, stretchtype, stretchparam)¶ Stretches (scales) pixel values to a range of 0 - 255, which is typically for visualisation but the function can also be used for normalisation. This function uses pre-calculated statistics - normally from rsgislib.imageutils.stretchImage.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name of the input file
outputImage – is a string containing the name of the output file
instatsfile – is a string providing the name of the file to read stats from.
ignorezeros – is a bool specifying if pixels with a value of zero should be ignored.
onepasssd – is a bool specifying if is single pass should be used for calculating standard deviation (faster but less accurate)
gdalformat – is a string providing the output gdalformat of the tiles (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the output data type.
stretchtype – is a STRETCH_* value providing the type of stretch, options are: * imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARMINMAX - Stretches between min and max. * imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARPERCENT - Stretches between percentage of image range. Parameter defines percent. * imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARSTDDEV - Stretches between mean - sd to mean + sd. Parameter defines number of standard deviations. * imageutils.STRETCH_EXPONENTIAL - Exponential stretch between mean - 2*sd to mean + 2*sd. No parameter. * imageutils.STRETCH_LOGARITHMIC - Logarithmic stretch between mean - 2*sd to mean + 2*sd. No parameter. * imageutils.STRETCH_POWERLAW - Power law stretch between mean - 2*sd to mean + 2*sd. Parameter defines power.
stretchparam – is a float, providing the input parameter to the stretch (if required).
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = './Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' inputImageStats = './Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_stats.txt' outputImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_2sd.kea' gdalformat = 'KEA' datatype = rsgislib.TYPE_8UINT imageutils.stretchImageWithStats(inputImage, outputImage, inputImageStats, True, False, gdalformat, datatype, imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARSTDDEV, 2)
(inputimage=string, outputimage=string, gdalformat=string, datatype=rsgislib.TYPE_*, innodataval=float, outnodataval=float, outmin=float, outmax=float, stretchtype=imageutils.STRETCH_*, stretchparam=float)¶ Normalises the image pixel values to a range of outmin to outmax (default 0-1) where the no data value is specified by the user. This function is largely similar to rsgislib.imageutils.stretchImage but deals with no data values correctly and intended for data processing normalisation rather than visualisation.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name of the input file
outputImage – is a string containing the name of the output file
gdalformat – is a string providing the output gdalformat of the tiles (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the output data type.
innodataval – is a float with the input image no data value. (Default = 0)
outnodataval – is a float with the no data value used within the output image. (Default = -1)
outmin – is a float which specifies the output minimum pixel value (Default = 0)
outmax – is a float which specifies the output maximum pixel value (Default = 1)
stretchtype – is a STRETCH_* value providing the type of stretch, options are: * imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARMINMAX - Stretches between min and max. * imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARPERCENT - Stretches between percentage of image range. Parameter defines percent. * imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARSTDDEV - Stretches between mean - sd to mean + sd. Parameter defines number of standard deviations. * imageutils.STRETCH_EXPONENTIAL - Exponential stretch between mean - 2*sd to mean + 2*sd. No parameter. * imageutils.STRETCH_LOGARITHMIC - Logarithmic stretch between mean - 2*sd to mean + 2*sd. No parameter. * imageutils.STRETCH_POWERLAW - Power law stretch between mean - 2*sd to mean + 2*sd. Parameter defines power.
stretchparam – is a float, providing the input parameter to the stretch (if required; Default=2.0).
import rsgislib import rsgislib.imageutils inImg = './LS5TM_19851990Comp_lat7lon3896_r65p166_stdsref.kea' outImg = 'LS5TM_19851990Comp_lat7lon3896_r65p166_stdsref_NORM_0-255.kea' rsgislib.imageutils.normaliseImagePxlVals(inImg, outImg, 'KEA', rsgislib.TYPE_8UINT, innodataval=0, outnodataval=0, outmin=0, outmax=255, stretchtype=rsgislib.imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARSTDDEV, stretchparam=2) rsgislib.imageutils.popImageStats(outImg, usenodataval=True, nodataval=0, calcpyramids=True) outImg = 'LS5TM_19851990Comp_lat7lon3896_r65p166_stdsref_NORM_0-1.kea' rsgislib.imageutils.normaliseImagePxlVals(inImg, outImg, 'KEA', rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT, innodataval=0, outnodataval=0, outmin=0, outmax=1, stretchtype=rsgislib.imageutils.STRETCH_LINEARSTDDEV, stretchparam=2) rsgislib.imageutils.popImageStats(outImg, usenodataval=True, nodataval=0, calcpyramids=True)
Subset / Mask¶
(inputimage, imagemask, outputimage, gdalformat, datatype, outvalue, maskvalue)¶ This command will mask an input image using a single band mask image - commonly this is a binary image.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name and path of the input image file.
imagemask – is a string containing the name and path of the mask image file.
outputimage – is a string containing the name and path for the output image following application of the mask.
gdalformat – is a string representing the output image file format (e.g., KEA, ENVI, GTIFF, HFA etc).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value for the data type of the output image.
outvalue – is a float representing the value written to the output image in place of the regions being masked.
maskvalue – is a float or list of floats representing the value(s) within the mask image for the regions which are to be replaced with the outvalue.
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils inImg = './LS5/Outputs/LS5TM_20110926_lat53lon511_r23p205_rad_toa.kea' imgMask = './LS5/Outputs/LS5TM_20110926_lat53lon511_r23p205_clouds.kea' outImg = './LS5/Outputs/LS5TM_20110926_lat53lon511_r23p205_rad_toa_mclds.kea' imageutils.maskImage(inImg, imgMask, outImg, 'KEA', rsgislib.TYPE_16UINT, 0, [1,2]) imageutils.popImageStats(outImg, True, 0.0, True)
(inputimage, inputvector, outputimage, gdalformat, datatype)¶ Subset an image to the bounding box of a vector.
- Parameters
inputimage – is a string providing the name of the input file.
inputvector – is a string providing the vector which the image is to be clipped to.
outputimage – is a string providing the output image.
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = './Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' inputVector = './Vectors/injune_p142_plot_location_utm.shp' outputImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_subset.kea' gdalformat = 'KEA' datatype = rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT imageutils.subset(inputImage, inputVector, outputImage, gdalformat, datatype)
(inputimage, inputROIimage, outputimage, gdalformat, type)¶ Subset an image to the bounding box of an image.
- Parameters
inputimage – is a string providing the name of the input file.
inputROIimage – is a string providing the image which the ‘inputimage’ is to be clipped to.
outputimage – is a string providing the output image.
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = './Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' inputROIimage = './Vectors/injune_p142_roi.kea' outputImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_subset.kea' gdalformat = 'KEA' gdaltype = rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT imageutils.subset2img(inputImage, inputROIimage, outputImage, gdalformat, datatype)
()¶ rsgislib.imageutils.subset(inputimage, inputvector, attribute, baseimage, gdalformat, datatype, ext) Subset an image to the bounding box of a each polygon in an input vector. Useful for splitting an image into tiles of unequal sizes.
- Parameters
inputimage – is a string providing the name of the input file.
inputvector – is a string providing the vector which the image is to be clipped to.
attribute – is a string providing the attribute in the vector to use for the ouput name
baseimage – is a string providing the base name of the output file. The specified attribute of each polygon and extension will be appended.
gdalformat – is a string providing the output gdalformat of the subsets (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the output data type of the subsets.
ext – is a string providing the extension for the tiles (as required by the specified data gdalformat).
- Returns
A list of strings containing the filenames.
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = './Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' inputVector = './Vectors/injune_p142_plot_location_utm.shp' attribute = 'PLOTNO' outputImageBase = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_subset_polys_' gdalformat = 'KEA' gdaltype = rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT ext = 'kea' imageutils.subset2polys(inputImage, inputVector, attribute, outputImageBase, gdalformat, gdaltype, ext)
(inImagesDict, outShpEnv, gdalformat)¶ A command to subset a set of images to the same overlapped extent.
- Parameters
inImagesDict – is a list of dictionaries containing values for IN (input image) OUT (output image) and TYPE (data type for output)
outShpEnv – is a file path for the output shapefile representing the overlap extent.
gdalformat – is the gdal format of the output images.
from rsgislib import imageutils inImagesDict = [] inImagesDict.append({'IN': './Images/Lifeformclip.tif', 'OUT':'./Subsets/Lifeformclip_sub.kea', 'TYPE':rsgislib.TYPE_32INT}) inImagesDict.append({'IN': './Images/chmclip.tif', 'OUT':'./Subsets/chmclip_sub.kea', 'TYPE':rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT}) inImagesDict.append({'IN': './Images/peakBGclip.tif', 'OUT':'./Subsets/peakBGclip_sub.kea', 'TYPE':rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT}) outputVector = 'imgSubExtent.shp' imageutils.subsetImgs2CommonExtent(inImagesDict, outputVector, 'KEA')
(inputimage, outputimage, gdalformat, datatype, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)¶ Subset an image to the bounding box of a vector.
- Parameters
inputimage – is a string providing the name of the input file.
outputimage – is a string providing the output image.
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
xMin – double within the minimum X for the bounding box
xMax – double within the maximum X for the bounding box
yMin – double within the minimum Y for the bounding box
yMax – double within the maximum X for the bounding box
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = './Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' outputImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_subset.kea' gdalformat = 'KEA' datatype = rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT xMin = 295371.5 xMax = 295401.5 yMin = 359470.8 yMax = 359500.8 imageutils.subsetbbox(inputImage, outputImage, gdalformat, datatype, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)
(inputimage, outputimage, gdalformat, datatype, xMinPxl, xMaxPxl, yMinPxl, yMaxPxl)¶ Function to subset an input image using a defined pixel bbox.
- Parameters
inputimage – input image to be subset.
outputimage – output image file.
gdalformat – output image file format
datatype – datatype is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
xMinPxl – min x in pixels
xMaxPxl – max x in pixels
yMinPxl – min y in pixels
yMaxPxl – max y in pixels
(globFindImgsStr, outDir, suffix, ext)¶ Automate building the dictionary of image to be used within the subsetImgs2CommonExtent(inImagesDict, outShpEnv, imgFormat) function.
- Parameters
globFindImgsStr – is a string to be passed to the glob module to find the input image files.
outDir – is the output directory path for the images.
suffix – is a suffix to be appended on to the end of the file name (can be a blank string, i.e., ‘’)
ext – is a string with the output file extension
from rsgislib import imageutils inImagesDict = imageutils.buildImgSubDict("./Images/*.tif", "./Subsets/", "_sub", ".kea") print(inImagesDict) outputVector = 'imgSubExtent.shp' imageutils.subsetImgs2CommonExtent(inImagesDict, outputVector, 'KEA')
(inimage=string, outimage=string, gdalformat=string)¶ Generate a binary image mask defining the finite image regions.
- Parameters
inimage – is a string containing the name of the input file
outimage – is a string containing the name of the output file.
gdalformat – is a string with the GDAL output file format.
from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = './injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' outputImage = './injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' imageutils.genFiniteMask(inputImage, outputImage, 'KEA')
(inimages=string | list, outimage=string, gdalformat=string, nodata=float)¶ Generate a binary image mask defining the regions which are not ‘no data’.
- Parameters
inimages – can be either a string or a list containing the input file(s)
outimage – is a string containing the name of the output file.
gdalformat – is a string with the GDAL output file format.
nodata – is a float defining the no data value (Optional and default is 0.0)
from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = './injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' outputImage = './injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' imageutils.genValidMask(inputImage, outputImage, 'KEA', 0.0)
(fileName=None, name=None, bands=None)¶ Create a list of these objects to pass to the extractZoneImageBandValues2HDF function
- Parameters
fileName – is the input image file name and path.
name – is a name associated with this layer - doesn’t really matter what you use but needs to be unique; this is used as a dict key in some functions.
bands – is a list of image bands within the fileName to be used for processing (band numbers start at 1).
(inputImage, imageMask, outputHDF, maskValue, datatype)¶ Extract the all the pixel values for raster regions to a HDF5 file (1 column for each image band).
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name and path of the input file
imageMask – is a string containing the name and path of the input image mask file; the mask file must have only 1 image band.
outputHDF – is a string containing the name and path of the output HDF5 file
maskValue – is a float containing the value of the pixel within the mask for which values are to be extracted
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
(inputImageInfo, imageMask, outputHDF, maskValue, datatype)¶ Extract the all the pixel values for raster regions to a HDF5 file (1 column for each image band). Multiple input rasters can be provided and the bands extracted selected.
- Parameters
inputImageInfo – is a list of rsgislib::imageutils::ImageBandInfo objects with the file names and list of image bands within that file to be extracted.
imageMask – is a string containing the name and path of the input image mask file; the mask file must have only 1 image band.
outputHDF – is a string containing the name and path of the output HDF5 file
maskValue – is a float containing the value of the pixel within the mask for which values are to be extracted
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
import rsgislib.imageutils fileInfo = [] fileInfo.append(rsgislib.imageutils.ImageBandInfo('InputImg1.kea', 'Image1', [1,3,4])) fileInfo.append(rsgislib.imageutils.ImageBandInfo('InputImg2.kea', 'Image2', [2])) rsgislib.imageutils.extractZoneImageBandValues2HDF(fileInfo, 'ClassMask.kea', 'ForestRefl.h5', 1.0)
(h5Files, outH5File, datatype=None)¶ A function to merge a list of HDF files (e.g., from rsgislib.imageutils.extractZoneImageBandValues2HDF) with the same number of variables (i.e., columns) into a single file. For example, if class training regions have been sourced from multiple images.
- Parameters
h5Files – a list of input files.
outH5File – the output file.
datatype – is the data type used for the output HDF5 file (e.g., rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT). If None (default) then the output data type will be float32.
inTrainSamples = ['MSS_CloudTrain1.h5', 'MSS_CloudTrain2.h5', 'MSS_CloudTrain3.h5'] cloudTrainSamples = 'LandsatMSS_CloudTrainingSamples.h5' rsgislib.imageutils.mergeExtractedHDF5Data(inTrainSamples, cloudTrainSamples)
(inputh5, outputh5, sample, seed, datatype)¶ A function which randomly samples a HDF5 of extracted values.
- Parameters
inputh5 – is a string with the path to the input file.
outputh5 – is a string with the path to the output file.
sample – is an integer with the number values to be sampled from the input file.
seed – is an integer which seeds the random number generator
.:param datatype: is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, gdalformat=string, maskvals=int|list, numSamples=unsigned int)¶ Randomly sample with a mask (e.g., classification). The same number of samples will be identified within each mask value listed by maskvals.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string for the input image mask - mask is typically whole values within regions (e.g., classifications).
outputImage – is a string with the name and path of the output image. Output is the mask pixel values.
gdalformat – is a string with the GDAL output file format.
maskvals – can either be a single integer value or a list of values. If a list of values is specified then the total number of points identified (numSamples x n-maskVals).
numSamples – is the number of samples to be created within each region.
(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, gdalformat=string, maskvals=int|list, numSamples=unsigned int, rndSeed=int)¶ Randomly sample with a mask (e.g., classification). The same number of samples will be identified within each mask value listed by maskvals. This function produces a similar result to rsgislib.imageutils.performRandomPxlSampleInMask but is more efficient for classes where only a small number of pixels have that value. However, this function uses much more memory.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string for the input image mask - mask is typically whole values within regions (e.g., classifications).
outputImage – is a string with the name and path of the output image. Output is the mask pixel values.
gdalformat – is a string with the GDAL output file format.
maskvals – can either be a single integer value or a list of values. If a list of values is specified then the total number of points identified (numSamples x n-maskVals).
numSamples – is the number of samples to be created within each region.
rndSeed – is a an integer providing a seed for the random number generator. Please not that if this number is the same then the same random set of points will be generated.
(inputImg, pxlNSample, noData=None)¶ A function which extracts a sample of pixels from the input image file to a number array.
- Parameters
inputImg – the image from which the random sample will be taken.
pxlNSample – the sample to be taken (e.g., a value of 100 will sample every 100th, valid (if noData specified), pixel)
noData – provide a no data value which is to be ignored during processing. If None then ignored (Default: None)
- Returns
outputs a numpy array (n sampled values, n bands)
(img, img_bands, img_mask, img_mask_val, no_data=None)¶ A function which extracts the image values within a mask for the specified image bands.
- Parameters
img – the image from which the random sample will be taken.
img_bands – the image bands the values are to be read from.
img_mask – the image mask specifying the regions of interest.
img_mask_val – the pixel value within the mask defining the region of interest.
- Returns
outputs a numpy array (n values, n bands)
(inputh5, outputp1h5, outputp2h5, sample, seed, datatype)¶ A function which splits samples a HDF5 of extracted values.
- Parameters
inputh5 – is a string with the path to the input file.
outputp1h5 – is a string with the path to the output file.
outputp2h5 – is a string with the path to the output file.
sample – is an integer with the number values to be sampled from the input file.
seed – is an integer which seeds the random number generator
.:param datatype: is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
(outputImage, numBands, width, height, tlX, tlY, res, pxlVal, wktFile, wktString, gdalformat, datatype)¶ Create a new blank image with the parameters specified.
- Parameters
outputImage – is a string containing the name and path for the outputted image.
numBands – is an integer specifying the number of image bands in the output image.
width – is an integer specifying the width of the output image.
height – is an integer specifying the height of the output image.
tlX – is a double specifying the Top Left pixel X coordinate (eastings) of the output image.
tlY – is a double specifying the Top Left pixel Y coordinate (northings) of the output image.
res – is a double specifying the pixel resolution of the output image.
pxlVal – is a float specifying the pixel value of the output image.
wktFile – is a string specifying the location of a file containing the WKT string representing the coordinate system and projection of the output image (if specified this parameter overrides the wktString parameter).
wktString – is a string specifying the WKT string representing the coordinate system and projection of the output image.
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
(bbox, wktstr, outputImg, outImgRes, outImgPxlVal, outImgNBands, gdalformat, datatype, snap2grid=False)¶ A function to create a new image file based on a bbox to define the extent.
- Parameters
bbox – bounding box defining the extent of the output image (xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)
wktstr – the WKT string defining the bbox and output image projection.
outputImg – output image file.
outImgRes – output image resolution, square pixels so a single value.
outImgPxlVal – output image pixel value.
outImgNBands – the number of image bands in the output image
gdalformat – output image file format.
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
snap2grid – optional variable to snap the image to a grid of whole numbers with respect to the image pixel resolution.
(inVecFile, inVecLyr, outputImg, outImgRes, outImgNBands, gdalformat, datatype)¶ A function to create a new image file based on a vector layer to define the extent and projection of the output image.
- Parameters
inVecFile – input vector file.
inVecLyr – name of the vector layer, if None then assume the layer name will be the same as the file name of the input vector file.
outputImg – output image file.
outImgRes – output image resolution, square pixels so a single value.
outImgNBands – the number of image bands in the output image
gdalformat – output image file format.
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image
(inputImage, outputImage, numBands, pxlVal, gdalformat, datatype)¶ Create a new blank image with the parameters specified.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name and path for the input image, which is to be copied.
outputImage – is a string containing the name and path for the outputted image.
numBands – is an integer specifying the number of image bands in the output image.
pxlVal – is a float specifying the pixel value of the output image.
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
inputImage = './Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' outputImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_blank.kea' gdalformat = 'KEA' datatype = rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT imageutils.createCopyImage(inputImage, outputImage, 1, 3, gdalformat, datatype)
(inputImage, outputImage, numBands, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, xRes, yRes, pxlVal, gdalformat, datatype)¶ Create a new blank image with the parameters specified.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name and path for the input image, which is to be copied.
outputImage – is a string containing the name and path for the outputted image.
numBands – is an integer specifying the number of image bands in the output image.
xMin – is a double specifying the X minimum coordinate of the output image.
xMax – is a double specifying the X maximum coordinate of the output image.
yMin – is a double specifying the Y minimum coordinate of the output image.
yMax – is a double specifying the Y maximum coordinate of the output image.
xRes – is a double specifying the X resolution of the output image.
yRes – is a double specifying the Y resolution of the output image.
pxlVal – is a float specifying the pixel value of the output image.
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
(inputImage, shpFile, outputImage, numBands, pxlVal, gdalformat, datatype)¶ Create a new blank image with the parameters specified but with the extent of the inputted shapefile.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name and path for the input image, which is to be copied.
shpFile – is a string specifying the name and path of the shapefile to which the image extent will be cut
outputImage – is a string containing the name and path for the outputted image.
numBands – is an integer specifying the number of image bands in the output image.
pxlVal – is a float specifying the pixel value of the output image.
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
inputImage = './Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' shpFile = './Rasters/injune_p142_roi.shp' outputImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_blank.kea' gdalformat = 'KEA' datatype = rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT imageutils.createCopyImageVecExtent(inputImage, shpFile, outputImage, 3, 1, gdalformat, datatype)
(inVecFile, inVecLyr, outputImg, outImgRes, outImgNBands, gdalformat, datatype, bufnpxl=0)¶ A function to create a new image file based on a vector layer to define the extent and projection of the output image. The image file extent is snapped on to the grid defined by the vector layer.
- Parameters
inVecFile – input vector file.
inVecLyr – name of the vector layer, if None then assume the layer name will be the same as the file name of the input vector file.
outputImg – output image file.
outImgRes – output image resolution, square pixels so a single value.
outImgNBands – the number of image bands in the output image
gdalformat – output image file format.
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image
bufnpxl – is an integer specifying the number of pixels to buffer the vector file extent by.
(vectorFile, vectorLyr, fileNameCol, outImgPath, outImgExt, outImgPxlVal, outImgNBands, outImgRes, gdalformat, datatype, snap2grid=False)¶ A function to create a set of image files representing the extent of each feature in the inputted vector file.
- Parameters
vectorFile – the input vector file.
vectorLyr – the input vector layer
fileNameCol – the name of the column in the vector layer which will be used as the file names.
outImgPath – output file path (directory) where the images will be saved.
outImgExt – the file extension to be added on to the output file names.
outImgPxlVal – output image pixel value
outImgNBands – the number of image bands in the output image
outImgRes – output image resolution, square pixels so a single value
gdalformat – output image file format.
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
snap2grid – optional variable to snap the image to a grid of whole numbers with respect to the image pixel resolution.
Select / Stack bands¶
(inputImage, outputImage, gdalformat, datatype, bands)¶ Copy selected image bands from an image to a new image.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name and path of the input file
outputImage – is a string containing the name and path of the output file.
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
bands – is a list of integers for the bands in the input image to exported to the output image (Note band count starts at 1).
import rsgislib.imageutils import rsgislib bands = [1,2] rsgislib.imageutils.selectImageBands('N06W053_07_ALL_sl_sub.kea', 'N06W053_07_ALL_sl_sub_HHVV.kea', 'KEA', rsgislib.TYPE_32INT, bands)
(inputImages, imageBandNames, outputImage, skipValue, noDataValue, gdalformat, datatype)¶ Create a single image from list of input images through band stacking.
- Parameters
inputImages – is a list of input images.
imageBandNames – is a list of band names (one for each input image). If None then ignored.
outputImage – is a string containing the name and path for the outputted image.
skipVal – is a float providing the value to be skipped (nodata values) in the input images (If None then ignored)
noDataValue – is float specifying a no data value.
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils imageList = ['./Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_single_band.vrt','./Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_single_band.vrt'] bandNamesList = ['Image1','Image2'] outputImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_stack.kea' gdalformat = 'KEA' gdaltype = rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT imageutils.stackImageBands(imageList, bandNamesList, outputImage, None, 0, gdalformat, gdaltype)
Sharpen Image Bands¶
(inimage=string, outimage=string, gdalformat=string, datatype=int, winsize=unsigned int, useNaiveMethod=boolean)¶ A function which performs a Hyperspherical Colour Space (HSC) Pan Sharpening of an input image. Padwick, C., Deskevich, M., Pacifici, F., Smallwood, S. 2010. WorldView-2 Pan-Sharpening. ASPRS 2010 Annual Conference, San Diego, California (2010) pp. 26-30.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string for the input file, where the single panchromatic band must be the last in the stack.
outputImage – is a string with the name and path of the output image.
gdalformat – is a string with the GDAL output file format.
datatype – is an containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*
winsize – is an optional integer, which must be an odd number, specifying the window size used for the analysis (Default = 7; Only used if useNaiveMethod=False).
useNaiveMethod – is an optional boolean option to specify whether the naive or smart method should be used - False=Smart (Default), True=Naive Method.
import rsgislib import rsgislib.imageutils rsgislib.imageutils.resampleImage2Match('./14SEP03025718-P2AS-054000253010_01_P001.TIF', './14SEP03025718-M2AS-054000253010_01_P001.TIF', './14SEP03025718-M2AS-054000253010_01_P001_resample.kea', 'KEA', 'nearestneighbour', rsgislib.TYPE_16UINT) rsgislib.imageutils.stackImageBands(['14SEP03025718-M2AS-054000253010_01_P001_resample.kea', '14SEP03025718-P2AS-054000253010_01_P001.TIF'], None, 'StackPanImg.kea', 0.0, 0.0, 'KEA', rsgislib.TYPE_16UINT) rsgislib.imageutils.panSharpenHCS(inimage='StackPanImg.kea', outimage='StackPanImgSharp.kea', gdalformat='KEA', datatype=rsgislib.TYPE_16UINT) rsgislib.imageutils.popImageStats('StackPanImgSharp.kea', usenodataval=True, nodataval=0, calcpyramids=True)
(band=None, status=None, name=None)¶ Create a list of these objects to pass to the sharpenLowResBands function.
- Parameters
band – is the band number (band numbering starts at 1).
status – needs to be either rsgislib.SHARP_RES_IGNORE, rsgislib.SHARP_RES_LOW or rsgislib.SHARP_RES_HIGH lowres bands will be sharpened using the highres bands and ignored bands will just be copied into the output image.
name – is a name associated with this image band - doesn’t really matter what you put in here.
(inimage=string, outimage=string, bandinfo=list, winsize=unsigned int, nodata=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)¶ A function which performs band sharpening using local linear fitting (orignal method proposed by Shepherd and Dymond).
- Parameters
inimage – is a string for the input file where the high resolution input image bands have been resampled (recommend nearest neighbour) to the same resolution has the higher resolution bands
outimage – is a string with the name and path of the output image.
bandinfo – is a list of the input image bands (type: rsgislib.imageutils.SharpBandInfo) specifying the band number, name and status. the status is either rsgislib.SHARP_RES_IGNORE, rsgislib.SHARP_RES_LOW or rsgislib.SHARP_RES_HIGH
winsize – is an integer, which must be an odd number, specifying the window size (in pixels) used for the analysis (Default = 7). Recommend that the window size values fits at least 9 low resolution image pixels. For example, if the high resolution image is 10 m and the low 20 m then a 7 x 7 window will include 12.25 low resolution pixels.
nodata – is an integer specifying the no data value for the scene
gdalformat – is a string with the GDAL output file format.
datatype – is an containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils bandInfo = [] bandInfo.append(imageutils.SharpBandInfo(band=1, status=rsgislib.SHARP_RES_LOW, name='Blue')) bandInfo.append(imageutils.SharpBandInfo(band=2, status=rsgislib.SHARP_RES_LOW, name='Green')) bandInfo.append(imageutils.SharpBandInfo(band=3, status=rsgislib.SHARP_RES_LOW, name='Red')) bandInfo.append(imageutils.SharpBandInfo(band=4, status=rsgislib.SHARP_RES_LOW, name='NIR')) bandInfo.append(imageutils.SharpBandInfo(band=5, status=rsgislib.SHARP_RES_HIGH, name='PAN')) imageutils.sharpenLowResBands(inimage='./wv2/wv2_20140903_panstack.kea', outimage='./wv2/wv2_20140903_panstack_sharp.kea', bandinfo=bandInfo, winsize=7, nodata=0, gdalformat='KEA', datatype=rsgislib.TYPE_UINT16)
Band Names¶
(inputImage, bandNames, feedback=False)¶ A utility function to set band names. Where:
- Parameters
inImage – is the input image
bandNames – is a list of band names
feedback – is a boolean specifying whether feedback will be printed to the console (True= Printed / False (default) Not Printed)
from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = 'injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' bandNames = ['446nm','530nm','549nm','569nm','598nm','633nm','680nm','696nm','714nm','732nm','741nm','752nm','800nm','838nm'] imageutils.setBandNames(inputImage, bandNames)
(inputImage)¶ A utility function to get band names.
- Parameters
inImage – is the input image
- Returns
list of band names
from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = 'injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' bandNames = imageutils.getBandNames(inputImage)
Image Data Types¶
(inImg)¶ Returns the rsgislib datatype ENUM for a raster file
- Parameters
inImg – The file to get the datatype for
- Returns
The rsgislib datatype enum, e.g., rsgislib.TYPE_8INT
(inImg)¶ Returns the rsgislib datatype ENUM for a raster file
- Parameters
inImg – The file to get the datatype for
- Returns
The rsgislib datatype enum, e.g., rsgislib.TYPE_8INT
(inputImage, outputImage, numBands, stat, gdalformat, datatype)¶ Calculate statistics for every pixel in a stack of image. If all bands are used a single band image is produced with the specified statistics. If a number of bands are specified statistics are taken over every n bands to provide an image with B / n bands (where B is the number of input bands. For example, can be used to produce monthly composite images from a stack with images from every day.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string containing the name and path for the input image.
outputImage – is a string containing the name and path for the output image.
numBands – is an integer specifying the number of image bands in the output image, pass ‘None’ to use all bands.
stat – is a string providing the statistics to calculate, options are ‘mean’, ‘min’, ‘max’, and ‘range’.
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
datatype – is a rsgislib.TYPE_* value providing the data type of the output image.
import rsgislib from rsgislib import imageutils inputImage = './Rasters/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm.kea' outputImage = './TestOutputs/injune_p142_casi_sub_utm_stackStats.kea' gdalformat = 'KEA' datatype = rsgislib.TYPE_32FLOAT imageutils.stackStats(inputImage, outputImage, None, 'mean', gdalformat, datatype)
(inputImages, noDataVal)¶ Order the list of input images based on the their proportion of valid image pixels. The primary use of this function is expected to be order (rank) images ahead of mosaicing.
- Parameters
inputImages – is a list of string containing the name and path for the input images.
noDataVal – is a float which specifies the no data value used to defined ‘invalid’ pixels.
- Returns
a list of images ordered, from low to high (i.e., the first image will be the image with the smallest number of valid image pixels).
(onputImage, outputImage, gdalformat, pxlRes, minVal, maxVal, singleLine)¶ Generate a regular sampling grid.
- Parameters
inputImage – is a string specifying an image which defines the area of interest.
outputImage – is a string specifying an output image location.
gdalformat – is a string providing the gdalformat of the output image (e.g., KEA).
pxlRes – is a float specifying the output image resolution.
minVal – is a minimum value for the output image pixel values.
maxVal – is a maximum value for the output image pixel values.
singleLine – is a boolean specifying whether the image is seen as a single line or new line with an offset in the starting value.
(inputImg, outputImg, gdalformat)¶ Function which produces a 2 band output image with the X and Y locations of the image pixels.
- Parameters
inputImg – the input reference image
outputImg – the output image file name and path (will be same dimensions as the input)
gdalformat – the GDAL image file format of the output image file.
(inImg)¶ Test whether the input image has GCPs - returns boolean
- Parameters
inImg – input image file
- Returns
boolean True - has GCPs; False - does not have GCPs
(srcImg, destImg)¶ Copy the GCPs from the srcImg to the destImg
- Parameters
srcImg – Raster layer with GCPs
destImg – Raster layer to which GCPs will be added
(imageFile)¶ Set all image bands to be thematic.
- Parameters
imageFile – The file for which the bands are to be set as thematic
(image1, image2, overThres=0.0)¶ Function to test whether two images overlap with one another. If the images have a difference projection/coordinate system then corners
- Parameters
image1 – path to first image
image2 – path to second image
overThres – the amount of overlap required to return true (e.g., at least 1 pixel)
- Returns
Boolean specifying whether they overlap or not.
import rsgislib.imageutils img = "/Users/pete/Temp/LandsatStatsImgs/MSS/ClearSkyMsks/LS1MSS_19720823_lat52lon114_r24p218_osgb_clearsky.tif" tile = "/Users/pete/Temp/LandsatStatsImgs/MSS/RefImages/LandsatWalesRegion_60m_tile8.kea" overlap = rsgislib.imageutils.doImagesOverlap(tile, img) print("Images Overlap: " + str(overlap))
(inputImg, outputImg, gdalformat, lowVal, upVal)¶ Function which produces a 1 band image with random values between lowVal and upVal.
- Parameters
inputImg – the input reference image
outputImg – the output image file name and path (will be same dimensions as the input)
gdalformat – the GDAL image file format of the output image file.
lowVal – lower value
upVal – upper value
(img, img_band=1)¶ Find the unique image values within an image band. Note, the whole image band gets read into memory.
- Parameters
img – input image file path
img_band – image band to be processed (starts at 1)
- Returns
array of unique values.
(gdalformat=string)¶ This function returns a dict from by reading an environment variable to retrieve any creation options for a particular image file format. Variables should have the name RSGISLIB_IMG_CRT_OPTS_<GDAL_FORMAT> where a key value pairs separated by colons (:) is provided. The gdal format string must be upper case. For example: export RSGISLIB_IMG_CRT_OPTS_GTIFF=TILED=YES:COMPRESS=LZW:BIGTIFF=YES export RSGISLIB_IMG_CRT_OPTS_HFA=COMPRESSED=YES:USE_SPILL=YES:AUX=NO:STATISTICS=YES
- Parameters
gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image file format of interest.
- Returns
a dict of the options.