RSGISLib Image Morphology Module

The image morphology module contains functions for performing image morphology operations.

Generate Operator

rsgislib.imagemorphology.createCircularOp(outputFile=string, opSize=int)

Performs an image morphology dilate operation.


  • outputFile – is a string specifying the name and path of the output matrix file.

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the size of the operator.


import rsgislib.imagemorphology

rsgislib.imagemorphology.createCircularOp(outputFile='CircularOp5.gmtxt', opSize=5)

Morphology Operations

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageDilate(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)

Performs an image morphology dilate operation.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*


import rsgislib
import rsgislib.imagemorphology

inImg = 'clumpsImage.kea'
outImg = 'clumpsImage_Dilate.kea'

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageDilate(inputImage=inImg, outputImage=outImg, morphOperator=, useOpFile=False, opSize=5, gdalformat='KEA', datatype=rsgislib.TYPE_32UINT)
rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageDilateCombinedOut(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)

Performs an image morphology dilate operation, where the outputs will be combined into a single image.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageErode(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)

Performs an image morphology erode operation.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageErodeCombinedOut(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)

Performs an image morphology erode operation, where the outputs will be combined into a single image.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageGradiant(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)

Performs an image morphology gradiant operation.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageGradiantCombinedOut(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)

Performs an image morphology gradiant operation, where the outputs will be combined into a single image.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageLocalMinima(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, sequencialOut=boolean, allowEqual=boolean, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)

Uses image morphology to find local minima.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • sequencialOut – is a boolean whether the output minima should be individual numbered (True) or just a binary mask (False).

  • allowEqual – is a boolean specifying whether equal values are allowed in the output.

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageLocalMinimaCombinedOut(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, sequencialOut=boolean, allowEqual=boolean, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)

Uses image morphology to find local minima, where the outputs will be combined into a single image.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • sequencialOut – is a boolean whether the output minima should be individual numbered (True) or just a binary mask (False).

  • allowEqual – is a boolean specifying whether equal values are allowed in the output.

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageOpening(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, tempImage=string, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int, niters=int)

Performs an image morphology opening operation.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • tempImage – is a string specifying the name and path of a tempory file used for intermediate processing step(s). If empty string (‘’) then an in memory image will be used.

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*

  • niters – is an int for the number of iterations of the operators (Optional, default = 1)

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageClosing(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, tempImage=string, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int, niters=int)

Performs an image morphology closing operation.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • tempImage – is a string specifying the name and path of a tempory file used for intermediate processing step(s). If empty string (‘’) then an in memory image will be used.

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*

  • niters – is an int for the number of iterations of the operators (Optional, default = 1)

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageBlackTopHat(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, tempImage=string, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)

Performs an image morphology black top hat operation.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • tempImage – is a string specifying the name and path of a tempory file used for intermediate processing step(s).

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*

rsgislib.imagemorphology.imageWhiteTopHat(inputImage=string, outputImage=string, tempImage=string, morphOperator=string, useOpFile=boolean, opSize=int, gdalformat=string, datatype=int)

Performs an image morphology white top hat operation.


  • inputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the input file.

  • outputImage – is a string specifying the name and path of the output file.

  • tempImage – is a string specifying the name and path of a tempory file used for intermediate processing step(s).

  • morphOperator – is a string with the name and path to a .gmtxt file with a square binary matrix specifying the morphology operator

  • useOpFile – is a boolean specifying whether the morphOperator file is present or whether a square operator (specified via opSize) should be used. (True = morphOperator, False = opSize)

  • opSize – is a integer specifying the square operator size (only used if useOpFile is False)

  • gdalformat – is a string specifying the GDAL image format (e.g., KEA)

  • datatype – is an int containing one of the values from rsgislib.TYPE_*